Rearranging the thoughts,

developing the perception,

Flowing with the flow of emotions.

Sometimes it hurts, 

sometimes it's a pain,

to speak with the intent of being a sane.

Different motives of voice we here,

varying pitch and feeling's layer.

Have 26 alphabets to depict my mind's state,

life's ease and power of the fate.

I love them and I hate them,

turning to ashes or a gem.

All we express by the words we have,

rarely  mature and usually  naive.

I hurt people and comfort them too,

With my vocab words dumb and true.

Always been in my mind laying on bed,

using those words messing with my head.

Everyday I sing the melody of life's song, 

But I haven't listened the lyrics for a long.

So I'm searching for old words with flawy eloquence,

to write the imminent story of my own existence.


suggestions are welcome here in the comment box:)


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